학술발표회 [ISOS-2021] 1st Circular

2021.01.12 09:28

관리자 조회 수:1322

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that the 19th International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-2021), jointly organized with the 10th European Silicon Days (ESD-10), will be held this summer (2  and 5-7 July 2021) in Toulouse, France.  

However, given the current severe pandemic situation, in order to preserve health security, we have decided to organize it as a hybrid symposium (on-site and online) with a limited number of on-site participants (about 100 participants on invitation: invited speakers, members of the international advisory boards and the local organizing committee). This symposium is composed of the following two sessions.

Friday July 2
Online-ISOS with online lectures and virtual poster sessions.
From Monday July 5 to Wednesday July 7
Hybrid-ISOS with 53 invited lectures (presented on site) which will be broadcasted online.

All participants can present their work as a poster in the virtual poster rooms for the duration of the symposium. The virtual poster sessions will take place on Friday July 2, using the Remo platform, which allows a direct exchange between participants. You will enjoy high-quality lectures given by the invited speakers, specialists from different fields of silicon chemistry, which will be live-stream broadcast online and followed by a session of questions and answers. In addition, the presentations will be recorded and uploaded on the ISOS-website for a certain period of time.

The online abstract submission system will be open on February 1st, 2021.

Further important information about ISOS-2021 (Important dates for abstract submission and registration, registration fees and detailed scientific programs) will be available on our website very soon: http://isos2020.enscm.fr/

We would like to cordially invite you to attend the next on-line ISOS-symposium next summer (July 2021).

Important: We have chosen the organization of a hybrid symposium rather than 2nd postponement, because we believe that the regular organization of the ISOS is essential for our scientific community, especially for students/postdocs who need to meet with other researchers at conferences and seminars to prepare their future careers. In the case of deterioration of pandemic situation, we will move to a fully online version of ISOS-2021 with no on-site participants. The final decision will be made in April 2021.        

Tsuyoshi KATO, Michel WONG CHI MAN, Antoine BACEIREDO and Louis VOVELLE
Chairmen and Vice chairmen of the Organizing Committee of ISOS-2021 & ESD-10

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