Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the International Organizing Committee I would like invite you to submit Abstract to ec-siliconf2 the 2nd European Conference on Silicon and Silica Based Materials. The conference will be held in one of the most beautiful regions of Hungary in the Beech Mountains in Miskolc-Lillafured in the castle of Hotel Palota in October 5th-9th, 2020.
The peer reviewed and accepted papers of the conference will be published in United Kingdom by IOP in OPEN ACCESS periodicals Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS). The participants of the ec-siliconf2 conference also have opportunities to publish their unpublished original manuscripts free of charge in a "special issue" of the OPEN ACCESS international scientific journals Epitoanyag - Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials ( ).
More informations, online registration and abstract submission are available in the conference websites of

Sincerely yours,

Laszlo Gomze
Prof. Dr. Laszlo A. GOMZE University of Miskolc (HUNGARY)
Chair of ec-siliconf2 conference board

ec-siliconf2 - First Circular.pdf

번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
공지 2025년 (사)한국실리콘학회 행사 안내 2024.12.12 74
공지 로그인 및 결제 관련 자주 묻는 질문 (FAQ) 2012.11.27 139197
129 [이사회] 2021-02-18(목) ZOOM 화상회의 file 2021.01.18 2827
128 [ISOS-2021] 1st Circular 2021.01.12 1322
127 [이사회 및 운영위원회] 2021-01-08(금) ZOOM 화상회의 file 2021.01.11 483
126 제10회 한국실리콘학회 총회 및 평위원회 출석 요청 file 2021.01.11 895
125 [Webina] Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry file 2020.06.12 1520
124 [ISOS-2020] Postponement of ISOS-2020 file 2020.03.30 2776
123 Silicon for the chemical and solar industry XV 2020.03.01 583
122 [ISOS-2020] Abstract submissions deadline extension (only for posters)to 10 March 2020 2020.03.01 6614
121 [이사회] 2020-02-06(목) 11:30 인하대학교 file 2020.01.14 3824
» [2020-10-05~09] The 2nd European Conference on Silicon and Silica Based Materials file 2019.12.20 2637
119 [이사회 및 운영위원회] 2020-01-03(금) 16:00 학회사무실 file 2019.12.08 1020
118 [2020-07-29~30] 4th International Symposium on Silsesquioxanes-based Materials (SFM 20) 2019.12.05 2543
117 [2020-07-05~10] ISOS-2020 2nd Circular file 2019.12.02 775
116 [운영위원회] 2019-12-06(금) 17:00 학회사무실 file 2019.11.20 3945
115 홈페이지 시스템 개선 작업 공지 2019.11.15 733
114 [2020-06-15~18] Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XV 2019.11.12 2181
113 [운영위원회] 2019-11-08(금) 12:30 대전 꽁뚜 file 2019.10.23 1030
112 2019-11-7~8 제6회 실리콘 아카데미 file 2019.10.15 867
111 [이사회 및 운영위원회] 2019-09-06(금) 17:00 학회사무실 file 2019.08.25 1728
110 [2019-08-22~23] 2019년 제 15회 Korea Silicone Symposium file 2019.08.07 1631
