공지 |
[2024-07-05] 2024년 제3회 이사회 및 운영위원회 13:30 ZOOM
| 2024.06.27 | 277 |
공지 |
2024년 (사)한국실리콘학회 행사 안내
| 2024.01.09 | 629 |
공지 |
로그인 및 결제 관련 자주 묻는 질문 (FAQ)
| 2012.11.27 | 138977 |
42 |
Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry - Conference 2024
| 2024.01.31 | 637 |
41 |
The 20th International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-20), May 12th to 17th, 2024, Hiroshima
| 2023.11.28 | 975 |
40 |
[2023-08-24~25] 제17회 Korea Silicone Symposium
| 2023.08.18 | 687 |
39 |
[2024-05-12~17] ISOS-20 with ASiS-9
| 2023.08.18 | 544 |
38 |
52nd NA Silicon Symposium
| 2023.02.20 | 623 |
37 |
[2022-08-25~26] 제16회 Korea Silicone Symposium 개최
| 2022.07.10 | 534 |
36 |
[AMKSiS-11] 제11회 한국실리콘학회 학술발표회
| 2022.06.18 | 348 |
35 |
[ISOS-2021] 1st Circular
| 2021.01.12 | 1296 |
34 |
[ISOS-2020] Postponement of ISOS-2020
| 2020.03.30 | 2745 |
33 |
Silicon for the chemical and solar industry XV
| 2020.03.01 | 563 |
32 |
[ISOS-2020] Abstract submissions deadline extension (only for posters)to 10 March 2020
| 2020.03.01 | 6570 |
31 |
[2020-10-05~09] The 2nd European Conference on Silicon and Silica Based Materials
| 2019.12.20 | 2075 |
30 |
[2020-07-29~30] 4th International Symposium on Silsesquioxanes-based Materials (SFM 20)
| 2019.12.05 | 2527 |
29 |
[2020-07-05~10] ISOS-2020 2nd Circular
| 2019.12.02 | 730 |
28 |
[2020-06-15~18] Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XV
| 2019.11.12 | 2163 |
27 |
[2020-07-05] ISOS-2020 (Toulouse, France)
| 2019.07.08 | 5083 |
26 |
ASiS-7 at Nanyang Technological University - Registration Fee Payment (Second Circular)
| 2019.04.24 | 4841 |
25 |
7th Asian Silicon Symposium (ASiS-7) at Nanyang Technological University
| 2019.03.08 | 4517 |
24 |
Silicon Symposium Abstract Deadline Extension
| 2019.02.25 | 3665 |
23 |
50th Silicon Symposium 2019
| 2018.12.17 | 6093 |